03-20-2020, 06:16 AM
Our TipBot was part of WrkzCoin community and also funded by WrkzCoin team. There are many available coins for tipping. After a year of testing in discord, we would like to announce it for public use.
- Supported many BTC, BCH, DASH, DOGE, LTC, XMR, LOKI, WRKZ, TRTL, DEGO and many more.
- Faucet available via command take
- Tipping is instant and stored in MySQL database
- No TX fees for tipping: make as many small tips as you wish
- You pay network fee: You pay only what you need to send via blockchain. Except some coins, you need to reserve fee before sending out to blockchain.
- Other great features
- Add to your discord server (no special permission needed): https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?...&scope=bot
- Chat via telegram bot (currently only DOGE, BTC, LTC, TRTL, WRKZ, DEGO, BTCMZ): https://t.me/teletip_bot
- Also our TipBot is open-sourced: https://github.com/wrkzcoin/TipBot
- TipBot is hosted with high-end server 1Gig network port, with 64GB RAM and 2x1TB NVMe storage.
- Discord: https://chat.wrkz.work
- Telegram: https://t.me/wrkzcoinchat